
Assessment Tool: the instrument (form, test, rubric, etc.) that is used to collect data for each outcome.

The actual product that is handed out to students for the purpose of assessing whether they have achieved a particular learning outcome(s).

Psychological Assessment Tools

A psychological assessment can include numerous components such as

norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys,

information, school or medical records, medical evaluation and observational data

Importance of Self-assessment

Psychological testing sounds intimidating, especially if it has been suggested for you or your child

or other family member. Sure, you know that everyone has flaws and personality quirks, but accepting that

someone wants to take a close look at your internal makeup, at how you think about and handle things

that can be too close for comfort. On the other hand, perhaps you’ve wondered if this type of testing could

put a finger on how you learn, or why you or people you love struggle.

What if it could help you as a parent, to help you understand why your children react the way they do, and how you could better

with it?

You can get the tests from the sites below:

The tests are self-explanatory and they will give you the ratings of MILD, MODERATE, MODERATELY SEVERE, SEVERE.

If you feel you need to talk to someone about the results, refer to the Services we offer and kindly click on the Contacts tab to reach us