Online Psychological First Aid

We seek to help those affected by traumatic experiences find their way back and have a better landing.
Our objective is to provide assistance within the early days or weeks following a traumatic event or disaster.

PFA Core Actions:

Self-Care Training

It is important for your well-being to recognize that it is OK to not be OK.
It is OK to take time off to care for yourself. It is OK to ask for help.
Like athletes training for a sport, Self-care takes practice.
We all need to practice self-care in all aspects of our lives to be able to perform at optimum.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us for self-care tips and tools

Self Care is giving the world the best of you instead of what is left of you.


We have an amazing team of mental health and other disaster response workers working round the clock.
They work hand in hand with other professionals and give referrals if needed.